Biochemistry Personal Statement (/personal-statement-examples/biochemistry-personal-statement)
The need to survive is a remarkable thing, for it has allowed evolution to equip organisms with a range of extraordinary capabilities in order to stay alive. Since
reading 'Why Geese Don't Get Obese' by Widmaier, my interests have developed in the molecular adaptations of animals; for example, the antifreeze protein that
prevents the blood of Antarctic Notothenioid fishes from turning into ice...
Biochemistry and Pharmacy Personal Statement (/personal-statement-examples/biochemistry-and-pharmacy-personal-statement)
I have chosen to study biochemistry or pharmacy at university because I have enjoyed studying biology and chemistry at college at A-level, and I am keen to
proceed with them to a more advanced level. I think doing either of these is the most suitable option...
Medical Biochemistry Personal Statement (/personal-statement-examples/medical-biochemistry-personal-statement)
My fascination with Science developed at a young age owing to the fact that both my parents and brother are employed in the medical industry Both my parents
are registered nurses and my brother, a biomedical scientist...
Biochemistry Personal Statement (/personal-statement examples/biochemistry-personal-statement-
0)The courses I am applying for are: Biochemistry/Sandwich Medical Biochemistry Physiology and Biochemistry Forensic Science The reasons for these choices
are that I am studying both biology and chemistry at A Level and enjoy these two subjects the most and would like to combine them at higher education...
Biochemistry personal statement (/personal-statement-examples/biochemistry-personal-statement
1)Studying life processes in molecular terms deeply appeals to me. I was fascinated by the importance of simple molecules, such as water molecule; playing its
role as a biological solvent, reactant molecule and temperature regulator...
Biochemistry Personal statement (/personal-statement-examples/biochemistry-personal-statement-2)
Personal statement My curiosity for Biochemistry started when my sister first developed the symptoms of sickle cell anaemia. She had to have immediate
treatment in the form of drugs such as morphine and codeine, as she was in great pain...
Biochemistry Personal Statement (/personal-statement-examples/biochemistry-personal-statement-3)
My curiosity grew when I saw my sister suffering from sickle cell crisis. If immediate help was not give, she would not have been able to survive, with the main
help she needed was drugs. Hours later, she seems perfectly normal and that is when I asked myself, "how?" This is one of the many reasons why I want to
pursue a degree in biochemistry; to study chemical processes in the body...
Biochemistry personal statement (/personal-statement-examples/biochemistry-personal-statement-4)
I wish to read biochemistry at university because I want to discover the answers to the most profound and fascinating questions about the very essence of life.
Some questions are so important but, paradoxically, can be overlooked by many people, for example, why are men naturally more predisposed to genetic
conditions than women? My deepening intrest in my A level subjects (and my frustration at the narrowness of the specifications) confirmed my belief that
biochemistry is the subject I have to carry forward...
Biochemistry personal statement (/personal-statement-examples/biochemistry-personal-statement-5)
Since the University of Hong Kong is the oldest university in Hong Kong, HKU provides a comprehensive, research-intensive education. Internationally renowned
teachers, first- rate libraries, state-of-the-art equipment and facilities are attracted me...
The need to survive is a remarkable thing, for it has allowed evolution to equip organisms with a range of extraordinary capabilities in order to stay alive. Since
reading 'Why Geese Don't Get Obese' by Widmaier, my interests have developed in the molecular adaptations of animals; for example, the antifreeze protein that
prevents the blood of Antarctic Notothenioid fishes from turning into ice...
Biochemistry and Pharmacy Personal Statement (/personal-statement-examples/biochemistry-and-pharmacy-personal-statement)
I have chosen to study biochemistry or pharmacy at university because I have enjoyed studying biology and chemistry at college at A-level, and I am keen to
proceed with them to a more advanced level. I think doing either of these is the most suitable option...
Medical Biochemistry Personal Statement (/personal-statement-examples/medical-biochemistry-personal-statement)
My fascination with Science developed at a young age owing to the fact that both my parents and brother are employed in the medical industry Both my parents
are registered nurses and my brother, a biomedical scientist...
Biochemistry Personal Statement (/personal-statement examples/biochemistry-personal-statement-
0)The courses I am applying for are: Biochemistry/Sandwich Medical Biochemistry Physiology and Biochemistry Forensic Science The reasons for these choices
are that I am studying both biology and chemistry at A Level and enjoy these two subjects the most and would like to combine them at higher education...
Biochemistry personal statement (/personal-statement-examples/biochemistry-personal-statement
1)Studying life processes in molecular terms deeply appeals to me. I was fascinated by the importance of simple molecules, such as water molecule; playing its
role as a biological solvent, reactant molecule and temperature regulator...
Biochemistry Personal statement (/personal-statement-examples/biochemistry-personal-statement-2)
Personal statement My curiosity for Biochemistry started when my sister first developed the symptoms of sickle cell anaemia. She had to have immediate
treatment in the form of drugs such as morphine and codeine, as she was in great pain...
Biochemistry Personal Statement (/personal-statement-examples/biochemistry-personal-statement-3)
My curiosity grew when I saw my sister suffering from sickle cell crisis. If immediate help was not give, she would not have been able to survive, with the main
help she needed was drugs. Hours later, she seems perfectly normal and that is when I asked myself, "how?" This is one of the many reasons why I want to
pursue a degree in biochemistry; to study chemical processes in the body...
Biochemistry personal statement (/personal-statement-examples/biochemistry-personal-statement-4)
I wish to read biochemistry at university because I want to discover the answers to the most profound and fascinating questions about the very essence of life.
Some questions are so important but, paradoxically, can be overlooked by many people, for example, why are men naturally more predisposed to genetic
conditions than women? My deepening intrest in my A level subjects (and my frustration at the narrowness of the specifications) confirmed my belief that
biochemistry is the subject I have to carry forward...
Biochemistry personal statement (/personal-statement-examples/biochemistry-personal-statement-5)
Since the University of Hong Kong is the oldest university in Hong Kong, HKU provides a comprehensive, research-intensive education. Internationally renowned
teachers, first- rate libraries, state-of-the-art equipment and facilities are attracted me...
Your personal statement for a graduate school or professional school application will play a determining role in whether or not you are offered admission. Here's some common knowledge about the personal statement. biomedical engineering personal statement